Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Heart touching Love story...

A young and handsome boy was enjoying his life with all the blessings from the God and parents. One day it had happened that he met with a blind girl. The girl's attitude and character was so good that she impressed this boy and he became best to her. 

"A bullet for love"

"A  bullet for love"

boy- hey, hun
girl- hey
boy- i missed u at school 2day, y weren't u there?
girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.
boy- oh rele? y?
girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.
boy- oh
girl- so wht did we do in math 2day?
boy- u didnt miss ne thing that great.......just lots of notes
girl- ok good
boy- yeah
girl- hey i have a question......