Sunday, December 30, 2012

I cannot promise you

I cannot promise you a smooth life or days without struggle but I promise to be your shelter from the storm. I cannot promise that we will never fight but I promise to work with you to resolve our conflicts. I cannot promise to be with you at all times but I promise my love will never let you feel lonely. I cannot promise to give you all the luxuries but I can promise that you will be proud of me and cherish my love for a lifetime..I promise never to lose faith in you… ~

I have no control over you

I have no control over you. You melt my heart and you capture my soul and I am lost in your embrace. You are the world to me ~♥~

Always tell someone how you feel

Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but regrets can last for a lifetime. ~Unknown ~~

Once when you feel you are avoided by someone

♥ ~"Once when you feel you are avoided by someone, Never disturb them again… Because the one who thinks you are disturbing them will never Know How much you Care for them…!!"~ ♥ .